Athletics » McNair Academic High School

McNair Academic High School


Athletic Supervisor

McNair Academic High School

Kristin Hart


Athletic Trainer

McNair Academic High School

Barry Camhi 


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Fall/Winter Sports Schedule 2024-2025
1. Download the attached physical packet entitled "JCPS Physical Packet 2024" 
2. Bring this packet with you to your physical appointment. The physician's office should complete all portions of the packet and keep pages 1-4 of the completed packet in the file they maintain for the prospective student-athlete.
3. Page 5 of the physical packet must be completed by the physician's office and submitted to Nurse Basile at McNair during the times indicated on the summer schedule graphic included below. Forms can only be dropped off at McNair.
4. Parents must log in to their parent portal on the Infinite Campus website and complete the registration process to electronically sign and submit the required forms that are no longer included as part of the physical packet (ex. concussion awareness, banned substance notification, etc.).