Student Life and Personnel Services » Home Instruction

Home Instruction



Candace Coccaro

Director of Student Life & Services

[email protected]


Home Instruction


In accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code N.J.A.C. 6A, the purpose of home instruction is to provide students the opportunity to continue their academic studies at times when circumstances prevent them from participating in the traditional school setting.


Home instruction is a temporary service available to the public and non-public school students enrolled in the Jersey City School District (General and Special Education). Its sole purpose is to provide instructional services in the areas of Math, Science, Health, Social Studies, and Language Arts, to students who are unable to attend school because of illness, injury, disability, administrative decision or court mandates.


Home Instruction services are available to both general and special education students. General education students are serviced from Kindergarten through grade 12. Special education students are serviced from age 3-21. The home instruction teacher typically meets with the student at their home or another convenient setting, such as the library.